Why Burst the Bubble? The Joys of Travelling Together
In today’s uncertain times, the joys of travel may seem a distant memory. So long have we been cooped up and isolated, counting down the days until we can put aside our umpteenth batch of banana loaf and forget about that dust-covered guitar sitting dejectedly in the corner, a relic of those hopeful days at the beginning of lockdown when you earnestly insisted on a new hobby.
However, as these days of seclusion finally seem to be at an end and we take the first tentative steps back to normalcy, it falls upon us as travellers to begin to plan our next trip. It’s time to consider where we are going, what we are doing but also who we are going with. What better way to experience your first trip back than with your loved ones in a “Travel Bubble”.
Travel Throughout the Ages
There are two core states: active and inactive, sedentary and mobile, travelling and not travelling. Human history, in a macro sense, may be viewed as a complex series of migrations from one end of the earth to the other and back again. Travelling is in our DNA. It is who we are.
From the first bands of Homo sapiens venturing forth from their palaeolithic caves and trekking across the plains of an Edenic Earth to gaggles of breathless backpack-laden teens on a gap year in the tropical forests of Thailand, there is no exclusive definition of what travel is. Each trip is different, no matter where you go. But the one defining feature of so many of our travels, and the reason why we continue to leave the safety and comfort of our homes, is the experiences and memories visiting new places gives us. And what better way to have these experiences and create these memories than with your loved ones as part of a “travel bubble”.
“The world is a big place and exploring it is an adventure best shared. So expand your bubble and extend your enjoyment today. A lifetime of memories awaits.”
Travel Bubble Benefits
Travel bubbles are a key feature of most holidays, be it an intimate couple’s retreat to the balmy beaches of the Seychelles or an adventurous group excursion to the vast wildlife-filled plains of Botswana. Travelling in a group, or bubble, has multiple benefits, some more obvious than others.
Firstly, travelling in a bubble means you are not alone. Gone is all the anxiety and worries which plague anyone planning a trip by themselves; the accommodation; transport; the frantic search for the best spots to ensure your itinerary never has a dull moment. These are all problems already taken care of by a knowledgeable team of experts from thorough holiday executives to intrepid local guides. Holidays are a time to relax, and that’s exactly what you should be doing. Why worry when you can be enjoying the best experiences a country has to offer?
As well as crafting cherished memories, travelling in a bubble often comes with the chance to save money on your trips through discounts offered to larger groups. More travellers means a wider and more diverse array of experiences and coupling this with a chance to save on the total cost of your trip is a no-brainer. A travel bubble also provides you with an extra degree of safety that can only come with being a member of a group. More people means more heads to work through any difficulties that may arise.
Besides saving you from the intricacies of planning, travel bubbles offer a chance to share life-changing moments with your closest friends and family. Years from now you’ll find yourself reminiscing with loved ones about that time you shared a bowl of Phở with your best friend in a stilt-propped home in rural Vietnam or the breathtaking views you witnessed from a luxury cabin of the Hiram Bingham train as you cut through the Peruvian countryside on your way to the Sacred Valley.
Travelling is more than just going from A to B, it’s an experience which strengthens the bonds of friendship and shapes you as a person, remaining with you long after the flip-flops have been packed away and that golden tan has faded.
“Writing this article has really reiterated to me the importance of spending time with loved ones. After a turbulent year spent away from close friends and family, now seems like the perfect time to plan a trip with your favourite people. Travelling is always fun, but never has it seemed so vital.”